Pictures missing when file emailed



I am quite new to this. I make the newsletter at home and
try to email to my workplace to put on website but the
pictures are always missing. I have 'saved as' web page,
jpg image, htm, have sent it zipped, unzipped etc. The
jpg was the only one which still had the pics but it down-
loads slowly onto the website. We do not have Publisher
at work, not sure if this makes a difference. Would
greatly appreciate any help.

David Bartosik MS MVP

In the future please use a group appropriate to the question, in this case -

What are you emailing?
The Pub file?
Web site files?

If the latter you would have to add all files to the email.

The best option is to email the Pub file to the destination and then open it
in Publisher and publish.

Why can you not publish from home?

If you want to convert the print doc to a web doc and create the web files
in one place and then transport those web files using zip is probably the
best option. But you may not be zipping all the site files. Depending on
your version and your version settings you may have additional files in a
site sub-folder.

Using Publisher to do the uploading is recommended for this very reason.

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:

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