Pictures not displayed



When I open a Word document that contains a picture, it
is not displayed. I can copy and paste the picture to
another file, so I know the picture is there. The space
where the pisture should be is all framed out, but the
picture is NOT shown. I have updated to SP-2, so I can
only imagine that there must be some setting I am missing.



you have picture placeholders turned ON. To turn OFF

Tools | Options | View: and clear Picture placeholders.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Deb,

Turn off 'picture placeholders' in Tools=>Options=>View
and see if that helps.

=========When I open a Word document that contains a picture, it
is not displayed. I can copy and paste the picture to
another file, so I know the picture is there. The space
where the pisture should be is all framed out, but the
picture is NOT shown. I have updated to SP-2, so I can
only imagine that there must be some setting I am missing. <<
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

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