Pictures not downloading in Outlook 2007



In any emails that I have recieved since installing Outlook 2007 do not
include any pictures, text comes through fine. I have gone through and
modified any secuirty features that have been included on previous posts in
this group. Any Ideas?

Patrick Schmid

So anti-virus scanner plugin in Outlook is disabled?
What kind of email account? Are these HTML or RTF messages?

Patrick Schmid

Patrick Schmid

Do you see this issue only in the reading pane or also when you open the

Patrick Schmid

Patrick Schmid

Disable all add-ins you have. Are you checking this btw on new messages
(that are downloaded after you just opened Outlook) or old ones?

Patrick Schmid


All add ins were/are disabled even the 'search' one. I am looking at new
emails coming in, not old ones as if i am not mistaken, now that they are
downloaded the content is lost.

I had to wait for awhile for an email to come in to test this out again, but
no still no pictures!

Patrick Schmid

Hmm, no add-ins, no virus scanner...
Create a new profile via control panel, mail and add your pop account to
it (but don't add your pst file, let it make a new one). Then test it.
Does it download images then?

Patrick Schmid


No same thing,

I did however try something, flipped back to copy of outlook 2003 and when
email arrived all was fine, just seems to be something with 2007


This is happening to me, I have not found any way to display images in outlook.



I never have got this resolved as of yet, kinda have left it alone, as it was
dropped by the specialist, hoping that someone else may have the same problem
and have found a solution.



Thanks Kent, I'll start a new thread if someone doesn't reply. I've looked
through everything I can find to figure out what setting is wrong, with no
luck. If I set the security to NOT download images, I get the header message
about it, but when it is unchecked (so images download), there is no banner,
and no images, only placeholders. I've deactivated all add-ins, and am about
to reinstall outlook 2007 to see if that makes a difference.

I don't believe we are the only two in the universe with this problem. :(


Patrick Schmid

Sorry for "dropping" the issue suddenly. I spent the last two days
upgrading my laptop hard drive and by the time I got my newsreader back
up, there were over a thousand messages to read. I must have skimmed
them poorly and missed this one.
Can either one of you forward me one of those email as attachment? To do
this, open the email, click other actions and there is that option. You
can find my email address from my website.


Patrick Schmid


Kent said:
In any emails that I have recieved since installing Outlook 2007 do not
include any pictures, text comes through fine. I have gone through and
modified any secuirty features that have been included on previous posts in
this group. Any Ideas?

I had the same prob. was due to my antivirus (AVG) being set to
"certify email". When this was disabled, all html emails (ie images)
came through ok. Only prob now is that Outlook 2007 seems to default to
using placeholders to replace images so you have to uncheck
"placeholders" in every sesion of Outlook (something to do with helping
scrolling - don't help you scroll and read the bloody images though!!!)

Hope this helps...


Open up the email, click on the office symbol for file options, click
editor options, then advanced. Near the bottom you can uncheck
"placegolders" - all subsequent emals show the pictures (unfortunately
only for that Outlook 2007 session - seems a buggy prob).

Hope this helps,



The checkbox is already unchecked, still only showing placeholders. Thanks
for the idea, but it didn't seem to do anything. Any other ideas would be
very helpful!

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