pictures print as a black square in word and publisher.pls help.



this is urgent. please help. I am doing a yearbook for my kids school and
many of the pictures that look normal on the screen, print out as black

What have I done wrong.


Alexa E

Mike Koewler

What have I done wrong. <<

Not given enough information, for starters. Version of Publisher, type
of image, printer, etc. David A. is the only one who had a crystal ball
and besides the fact it didn't work at times, he seems to have disappeared.



This is a shot in the dark. I've read on this board that even five years is
"wet behind the years." I've had five months experience with MS-publisher but
I went through something similar in the beginning. Here what I was doing:

1. Using cut and paste to drop pics into the Publisher doc. It did not like
2. Inserting pics from file that were straight from the digital camera.

For whatever reason, editing them first in Photoshop and saving them in JPG
format (highest quality), then, and only then, inserting pic from file gave
me some peace. I wish you well in your troubles.

Things are now much smoother.


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