Pictures will not show in word 2007



Word 2007 is not showing pictures when I insert them. It gives me place
holders and well show me the picture when I resze them it but that is the
only time I see it. They will not even print. I have tried all of they work
arounds (word options check boxes, text wraping) listed in the knowledge
database but none of them have corrected this problem. What do I do?

Jay Freedman

Word 2007 is not showing pictures when I insert them. It gives me place
holders and well show me the picture when I resze them it but that is the
only time I see it. They will not even print. I have tried all of they work
arounds (word options check boxes, text wraping) listed in the knowledge
database but none of them have corrected this problem. What do I do?

First let's check the easy parts. Open the Options dialog and go to
the Advanced tab. In the "Show document content" section, make sure
that the "Show picture placeholders" box is _not_ checked, and the
"Show drawings and text boxes on screen" box _is_ checked.

Also click the Display tab. Under "Printing options", make sure "Print
drawings created in Word" _is_ checked.

If pictures still don't appear, you may have a video driver problem.
In the Start menu, open the Control Panel and double-click Display. On
the Settings tab, click the Advanced button and then select the
Troubleshoot tab. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider toward the
left, click Apply, and then look at Word. Repeat moving the slider and
checking Word until either the pictures appear or the slider is all
the way to the left.

If moving the slider makes the pictures appear, then you should check
the web site of the video card manufacturer to see if there's a newer
version of the video driver you can download.


Jay Freedman said:
First let's check the easy parts. Open the Options dialog and go to
the Advanced tab. In the "Show document content" section, make sure
that the "Show picture placeholders" box is _not_ checked, and the
"Show drawings and text boxes on screen" box _is_ checked.

Also click the Display tab. Under "Printing options", make sure "Print
drawings created in Word" _is_ checked.

If pictures still don't appear, you may have a video driver problem.
In the Start menu, open the Control Panel and double-click Display. On
the Settings tab, click the Advanced button and then select the
Troubleshoot tab. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider toward the
left, click Apply, and then look at Word. Repeat moving the slider and
checking Word until either the pictures appear or the slider is all
the way to the left.

If moving the slider makes the pictures appear, then you should check
the web site of the video card manufacturer to see if there's a newer
version of the video driver you can download.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so all may benefit.


I have Word 2003 and my photos are not showing. When I went to options under
tools I couldn't find an advanced tab. Am I looking in the wrong spot. All my
inserted photos used to show, I don't have a clue as to what I did wrong.


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