Pie chart based on color




I'm wondering if you can get a pie chart to represent different colors
on a sheet.

I have been asked to develop a sheet for a guest house showing bookings
for a year in advance.

The owner wants to color code dates - one color for confirmed bookings,
a different color for provisional bookings, and a third for vacancies.

He also wants to have a pie chart showing percentages of bookings v.
vacancies. I would like the sections of the chart to calculate the
percentages of each based on the colors of each day for the next year,
but I'm not sure if this can be done.

Could anyone help me of perhaps suggest an alternative?




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Myrna Larson

I suggest you use an additional column to indicate the status. You might use C for confirmed, P
for provisional, and leave vacancies blank. Color the cells via conditional formatting. Set up a
pivot table to get the counts by status: row field would be the dates; column field would be the
status; data field also the status, using the COUNT function. You may need a calculated item for
the percentages.

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