You were kind eniough to respond to a question I posted, one which many
others have askied in other ways in other places and not received answers. It
boils down to generating a simple 4 digit number - for PO Order numbers,
Invoice numbers and so on. My visit to the Church of Google searching using a
variety of operands and variables esults in a lot of people asking similar
questions getting know where - and it being available on ebay
You seem to have the answer - but you gave me part of it, and you asked
another question, which I answered. I think it would be interesting to find
an answer.
I copied the Post below so you don't have to hunt it down. I hope you can
Trying to be moer clear, Auto-generating a number using autonumber isn't
sufficient for most operations. many need to prefix it with a letter, or
date. In my case, I need to have each record generate a number in the format
mmyy-#### with, or without the dash - preferably with.
So opening a new record for todays, today's would be 0408-0001 for that
record, and the next record today would be 0408-0002 and so on. When it
comes to next year, that's OK because the year will have changed (08 to 09)
As I won't be around in 99, I don't care about what happens then
Any asnwers that seem to deal with ithis don't explain how to apply the
formula - and for one like me, just diving , up late reading and researching,
waiting for a class to come along, extra help is needed to understand whther
to edit a table, a form, or just how to make it work.
Copy follows-------------
Hi Dave, and thanks for ther reply
Glad you asked - I expected that the new year would start the new number and
the 0000 would roll over after 9999. The numbers for date ned to be 2 digits
each. that is, Month ## and year ## (last 2 for year of course) followed by
the 4 digit.
Many thanks for your help.
others have askied in other ways in other places and not received answers. It
boils down to generating a simple 4 digit number - for PO Order numbers,
Invoice numbers and so on. My visit to the Church of Google searching using a
variety of operands and variables esults in a lot of people asking similar
questions getting know where - and it being available on ebay
You seem to have the answer - but you gave me part of it, and you asked
another question, which I answered. I think it would be interesting to find
an answer.
I copied the Post below so you don't have to hunt it down. I hope you can
Trying to be moer clear, Auto-generating a number using autonumber isn't
sufficient for most operations. many need to prefix it with a letter, or
date. In my case, I need to have each record generate a number in the format
mmyy-#### with, or without the dash - preferably with.
So opening a new record for todays, today's would be 0408-0001 for that
record, and the next record today would be 0408-0002 and so on. When it
comes to next year, that's OK because the year will have changed (08 to 09)
As I won't be around in 99, I don't care about what happens then
Any asnwers that seem to deal with ithis don't explain how to apply the
formula - and for one like me, just diving , up late reading and researching,
waiting for a class to come along, extra help is needed to understand whther
to edit a table, a form, or just how to make it work.
Copy follows-------------
Hi Dave, and thanks for ther reply
Glad you asked - I expected that the new year would start the new number and
the 0000 would roll over after 9999. The numbers for date ned to be 2 digits
each. that is, Month ## and year ## (last 2 for year of course) followed by
the 4 digit.
Many thanks for your help.
------------------------------ copy ends -------------------Klatuu said:The first part is easy
How do you want to determine the rest?
What will you do next year when the numbers start recurring?