piviot calcualtions



I already use this formula = (C4-B4)*1440 so i am showing minutes

When I pivot the report i get the minutes to show up one time for each
project, (which is what i want for billing)

Because when i pay out, I pay by the units for each project.

What i want to do is pivot the report, show the minutes,
and have the minutes convert to units so it will speed up the billing process
(two columns)
1 min to 7.5 minutes = .5 units - then up to 15 minutes = 1 full unit.

Say i worked 533 minutes on a project
i would like it to show me that i worked 35-1/2 units......

=CEILING(D4*1440/15,0.5) This didn't work...
=CEILING(D12/15,0.5) nor this...
the answer should be 35/1/2 units (9 hours)

but the formula gives me 36, which is more than i can bill for

I really appricate any help.

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