Hello, I have a workbook that has a Pivot chart (Bar chart) on first sheet
and detail report on second sheet. There are four different catagories,
each catagory has three bars pass, watch, fail. I would like for my users to
be able to click a bar and hyperlink to detail report. After hyperlink to
detail report it would filtered based on selection. I have all of this
working using chart events, but when I protect the sheet with the pivot chart
events stop working. I would like to try using hyperlinks on each bar of the
chart. How do I code using hyperlinks in textboxes? Also need to know how
to adjust the textbox to the same length as the bar that it will be on.
and detail report on second sheet. There are four different catagories,
each catagory has three bars pass, watch, fail. I would like for my users to
be able to click a bar and hyperlink to detail report. After hyperlink to
detail report it would filtered based on selection. I have all of this
working using chart events, but when I protect the sheet with the pivot chart
events stop working. I would like to try using hyperlinks on each bar of the
chart. How do I code using hyperlinks in textboxes? Also need to know how
to adjust the textbox to the same length as the bar that it will be on.