We are attempting to create a Pivot Chart Report View office web component
using Excel as the Data Source. We are building the Pivot Chart through
Business Scorecard Manager.
We have succcessfully created the chart view and we can view the chart
through the client. However, if one client is viewing the chart, then a
second client is unable to view the chart. Also, if a client is viewing
the chart, the Excel file on the server is locked and unavailable for editing.
We have attempted to make the connection string readonly (see connection
string below), but this did not help.
We get the following error:
Failed to get data. If available, errors returned from the provider are
listed below.
* Data provider could not be initialized.
We are using the following connection string:
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;Extended
using Excel as the Data Source. We are building the Pivot Chart through
Business Scorecard Manager.
We have succcessfully created the chart view and we can view the chart
through the client. However, if one client is viewing the chart, then a
second client is unable to view the chart. Also, if a client is viewing
the chart, the Excel file on the server is locked and unavailable for editing.
We have attempted to make the connection string readonly (see connection
string below), but this did not help.
We get the following error:
Failed to get data. If available, errors returned from the provider are
listed below.
* Data provider could not be initialized.
We are using the following connection string:
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;Extended