Bradley Searle
I'm trying to write a macro that removes all items in the "data" field of a
pivot table. To remove a particular field, in this case the field called "Sum
of FP01" you could use a macro such as this:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Central").PivotFields("Sum of FP01").Orientation = _
However if you do not have that field in the table it creates and error.
How would I say "remove ANY data from the data field?"
Many thanks, Brad
I'm trying to write a macro that removes all items in the "data" field of a
pivot table. To remove a particular field, in this case the field called "Sum
of FP01" you could use a macro such as this:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Central").PivotFields("Sum of FP01").Orientation = _
However if you do not have that field in the table it creates and error.
How would I say "remove ANY data from the data field?"
Many thanks, Brad