Pivot item visibility



The problem is about VBA programming with pivot tables
created using OLAP cubes.

I am using the following code to hide a row item of a
pivot table created from an OLAP Cube. I get an error in
the second line:
Run Time error 1004
Unable to set the visible property of the pivot item class
Worksheets("sheet1").PivotTables(1) _
..PivotFields("[Project].[Project Name]").AutoSort
xlManual, "[Project].[Project Name]"

Worksheets("sheet1").PivotTables(1) _
..PivotFields("[Project].[Project Name]").PivotItems
("[Project].[All Project].[ProjectA]").Visible = False
This code works properly with pivot table created from
excel sheet data but not with pivot tables created using
OLAP cubes.

I get this error whatever way I alter the visible
property of a pivot item. This error can be reproduced
easily by using the sample foodmart cube.

Any ideas?


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