Pivot repeating table



Is there a control like the repeating table that I can pivot? For example, I
want to asak about the number of employees in a company by their gender and
contract type. The underlying data structure is something like:

(Gender, Contract Type, Number)

In fact, there are only 2 values for gender (Male, Female) and 3 values for
contract type (owner, unpaid famliy member, paid worker). This means, the
respondant may only give 2x3=6 values for the number of employees.

So, the repeating table control is a good solution to be able to enter these
up to six records. But, the most often taken solution for display of the
table is to pivot it and display the values for sex in the table header as
column names and contract type as the first column. Again the values for the
contract types already filled in. The respondant only need to fill the 6
figures for the number of employees. The control will automatically take care
of filling the records into the underlying table (i.e. unpivot the answers so
to say).

Does such a pivot repeating table control exist? Thanks in advance!

Clay Fox

Hi Bjorn.
There is not a control for this but often you can simulate this to the user.

You can have multiple repeating tables and format one one way and one the

If your data was in a database you could create multiple views.

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