Pivot Sort


John Calder


I run WinXP with Excel2000

I have a table with about 70 lines of data. I have created a pivot table for
the data (only 2 data columns and a total column)

I would like to have the 2nd column in the pivot table sorted.

I right click on the 2nd column header of the pivot table and select "field
I then select the "advanced" tab
I click the Auto Sort option to ascending

However, it does not sort the data. I have tried it descending and it is the
same result

What am I doing wrong?




Just some thoughts. I don't know about xl2000, but in my xl2003, I'd click on
the field in the ROW area. Then from the PivotTable dropdown (on the pivot
toolbar), I'd select Sort and Top10. And in the ensuing dialog, I could
select the Autosort option (say descending) and choose the field (from
amongst those in DATA) from the dropdown under "Using field:"

John Calder

Thanks Max, but I think Exl2000 is slightly different.

I have noticed that even trying to sort the data on the pivot table itself
does not work properly?....The raw data I am trying to sort is all formatted
as text so I have no idea why it wont sort

Thanks again

John Calder


I fixed the probelm. The column I was trying to sort was the 2nd column on
the pivot table. I switched this column with column 1 and now it sorts ok.

Its seems it only likes the data in the pivot table to be sorted by the 1st
column of the table.

Thanks for your help


No prob, John. Glad you found the way to do it. I guess the pivot sorting
feature was enhanced in xl2003.

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