I am trying to add a calc field to my pivot table. My concern is if I add
the calc field into excel and not part of the pivot. Each Time I refresh the
data the pivot will overlap the calc column and I don't want each line item
to have it's own calc. it would make my report way to big. Is there a way to
add the calcs? Thahks!!
----Pivot Results--------------- --------Calc I would like to Add-------
Agency Jan Feb GrandTotal Current Month % to Total Grand Total
ABC 123 321 444 16%
SCS 456 654 1110 33%
EGA 789 987 1776 50%
Total 1368 1962 3330 100%
I am trying to add a calc field to my pivot table. My concern is if I add
the calc field into excel and not part of the pivot. Each Time I refresh the
data the pivot will overlap the calc column and I don't want each line item
to have it's own calc. it would make my report way to big. Is there a way to
add the calcs? Thahks!!
----Pivot Results--------------- --------Calc I would like to Add-------
Agency Jan Feb GrandTotal Current Month % to Total Grand Total
ABC 123 321 444 16%
SCS 456 654 1110 33%
EGA 789 987 1776 50%
Total 1368 1962 3330 100%