Pivot Table Calculation Error



I have a pivot table that is pulling from another worksheet. When I manully
calculate the same it comes out with 88,628 (this is from summing 3 fields
together.) In the pivot table, some of the sum calculations are correct
while others aren't. The value I am getting for the above mentioned manually
calculation is 91,314. When I look at it line by line, 2 of lines are
incorrect and 1 is correct. Any ideas? This is in Excel 2007.

Nick Hodge

Check all the source cells are in fact numbers and not text *looking* like
numbers. (Take of any alignment formatting and if it right aligns naturally
it's a number, if it aligns left it's text

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)
web: www.excelusergroup.org
web: www.nickhodge.co.uk

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