Joel Barish
Please help!
I have spent the last day and a half reading MS's Web Site, Googling
for Code, and reading the TookPack Code Examples and I still can't
figure this out. Please help!
I have a simple Pivot Table with 3 measures as my DataAxis Totals:
With ptable.ActiveView
With .RowAxis
.InsertFieldset view.Fieldsets("Customers")
End With 'Row Axis
With .DataAxis
.InsertTotal view.Totals("Qty")
.InsertTotal view.Totals("Gross Margin")
.InsertTotal view.Totals("Income Before Interest and Taxes")
End With ' Data Axis
End With 'view
The Pivot Table AutoFits to the text length of Qty, Gross Margin, etc.
The result is 3 columns of very different widths. I need to assign the
column widths specifically.
ptable.ActiveView.DataAxis.Totals("Gross Margin").Width = 100
This doesn't work. I have tried about a dozen other variants and no
luck. Hair loss is imminent.
The ability to wordwrap the TotalsCaptions would be a nice bonus too,
but it is crucial that I resize these columns.
Thanks in advance!
I have spent the last day and a half reading MS's Web Site, Googling
for Code, and reading the TookPack Code Examples and I still can't
figure this out. Please help!
I have a simple Pivot Table with 3 measures as my DataAxis Totals:
With ptable.ActiveView
With .RowAxis
.InsertFieldset view.Fieldsets("Customers")
End With 'Row Axis
With .DataAxis
.InsertTotal view.Totals("Qty")
.InsertTotal view.Totals("Gross Margin")
.InsertTotal view.Totals("Income Before Interest and Taxes")
End With ' Data Axis
End With 'view
The Pivot Table AutoFits to the text length of Qty, Gross Margin, etc.
The result is 3 columns of very different widths. I need to assign the
column widths specifically.
ptable.ActiveView.DataAxis.Totals("Gross Margin").Width = 100
This doesn't work. I have tried about a dozen other variants and no
luck. Hair loss is imminent.
The ability to wordwrap the TotalsCaptions would be a nice bonus too,
but it is crucial that I resize these columns.
Thanks in advance!