Pivot Table Dates Grouping Issue with Olap Cube




This might be quite simple, but I do not know how to solve my issue.

I am creating an OLAP cube from an external data source as the number of
records are over 200k.

Assume 3 fields.
department, employee, date, amount.

Amount is summed at the department, employee, date dimensions.

In choosing the dimensions, I think I only have the choice of grouping the
date field.
The Olap cubing process then stores the date dimension at the year, month,
day level. However, in the pivot table I have to click on each year, month,
and then day to see the details.

Instead, I would like to see the date in the pivot table with no grouping
(i.e. 07/13/2007).

Is this possible?

Many thanks.

Jim Thomlinson

You do not need to create the OLAP cube. Even though the data is over 200k
records you can create a pivot table off of it. Create a new pivot table and
when asked what the data source is select External Data. Browse to your
database and create your query. This will return the records into the pivot
cache (which is only limited by memory and not 65,536).

Doing it this way you can choose to group and display your dates however you



Thanks. I have created pivots as you have mentioned. I used 200k records
as an example. However, is there a way using OLAP cubes and still solve date

Many thanks.

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