Pivot Table Drillthrough capability lost



I am using the OWC pivot table and implemented the drillthru.htc
functionality. As an extension to that, we replaced the 'Show Details' item
on the context menu with a list of available actions. The following code is
used to do that...

if (sarrMenuItem[1] == 12095 && !fPivotTableIsDrilled) {
// replace the existing ShowDetails item with list of actions.
// sarrNewMenu[i + iOffset] = new Array("S&how Details",
if (pt.Connection!=null) {
var sarrRestrictions= new Array(8);
// set up our query restrictions for this request.
sarrRestrictions[iRESTRICTION_CUBE_NAME] = pt.DataMember;
var adors;
// Try to obtain a list of actions
// The first parameter (-1) specifies adSchemaProviderSpecific
// and is used because the provider defines their own
// non-standard schema query. Using this parameter
// requires a schema id as the last parameter
// A GUID is used for this schema ID
adors = element.Connection.OpenSchema(-1,
while (!adors.EOF) {
sarrNewMenu[i + iOffset] =
new Array(adors.Fields("ACTION_CAPTION").Value,
iOffset += 1;

This works perfectly, UNLESS... I replace the Pivot.CommandText with my own
MDX statement. When I do that, the new MDX statement is executed, but the
actions are no longer found. That is adors.EOF is ALWAYS true.

This is probably the first of many questions... but if we can't get past
this one, the others become less important.

Overview of other questions:
1) Why does OWC generate MDX that uses named set and members - the
performance of those queries are extremely slow in our environment but if the
values are used directly in the MDX it is very fast (from 5 minutes to 3
2) Why are the displayed results for a specific MDX different between OWC
and Sql Server Management Studio.
3) Why are the MDX statements not logged when I add 'Log
File=c:\\log\\mdx.txt;' to the connection string (per other postings).

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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