Pivot Table - Drop Down "Select All" is missing from Field Drop do


John Bodimer

Normally when you click on the down arrow of a field in a pivot table you can
select the data you want to look at. "Select All" is always the first choice
and checking and unchecking selects and deselects all.

My problem is all of the items are listed, but there is no "Select All"

It just stoppe working out of nowhere.

Any Help.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi John,
Normally when you click on the down arrow of a field in a pivot table you can
select the data you want to look at. "Select All" is always the first choice
and checking and unchecking selects and deselects all.

My problem is all of the items are listed, but there is no "Select All"

Maybe it helps to drag that particular field out of the PT and then back again?


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

John Bodimer

Thank you so much, but no such luck. I have even tried creating new pivot
tables with new data and the "select all" choice" remains missing.



If the field is in the Page area there are no checkboxes or Select All
option, there is an All choice though. If you want to select multiple items
in the page field double click its button in the spreadsheet.

If this doesn't solve your problem - tell us what version of Excel you are
using, which field has this problem (row, column, page or data field), and
what is listed on the drop down, and where the data is coming from - Excel
range, ODBC database, OLAP database....?

John Bodimer

Thank you for writing.

It is not a page field. It is any box contained in the table (row, data,
column etc.) itself. I am simply reading from another sheet (basic columns
with headings) in the workbook. I uninstalled Office 2000 and reinstalled
and it did not correct the problem. I can create a simple new workbook with
only 2 columns and 2 or 3 rows and still, on the Pivot Table, no "Select All"

Everything is as it should be except the "Select All" is not present. Each
item is listed and has a check in front of it. If I only want to look at say
9 of 100 items, I have to deselect the non targeted 91..and to put them back,
the same is true.

I can take the same workbook and email it to another computer and the
"Select All" will be present on the other machine.

VERY FRUSTRATING! The only thing I can possbily think of is that the AM
that this began, I got an email from someone with a spreadsheet (no pivot
table built) as an attachment and the problem began after opening this
shreadsheet - I didn't notice at the time, because it was just data, but the
next time I went to a previouly created workbook with pivot, the problem was

I run fully up to date Norton for Anti-Virus. I have since scanned and no
problems were noted.


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