Pivot Table Formats not maintained?



I've created 5 Pivot Tables using one database. I've setup column widths and
font formats. I've unchecked the Autofit Col Widths and checked the Preserve
Formatting boxes PT Options, Layout & Format.

On all 5 of the PT's, when I edit a record or add a new record, and then
Refresh the PT, the formatting for those edited or new records is lost
(alignment, boldness, etc.). All unedited records seem to maintain their

On 1 of the 5 PT's, an entire column loses it's formatting even if I don't
edit or add anything and just Refresh the PT.

What gives? The PT's treatment of formats seems random at best. Are there
some other boxesI should be checking and/or unchecking?

Thanks .... Rick

Luke M

Sadly, no. It is a known issue by Microsoft that PivotTables do not retain
their formats when you refresh. Their recommended solution is to record a
macro of you setting the desired formats, and then either running the macro
yourself after a refresh, or set it up automatically (using worksheet event
in VBA).

If you decide to go with the automatic approach, I'd recommend searching
this group for Worksheet_Change events, or a Google search about such things.


Thanks Luke. I may look into it. Since I dn't update this database too
often and therefore don't Refresh the PT's too often, I may just manually
"fix up the mess" each time. Such is life in Microsoft world.

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