Vikram Dhemare
I have PivotTable from Receipt Data Sheet. The Field in row are Im_Code and
column doc_date.
The Data Field is sum of Qty & sum of Qty2 (i.e.) datewise running total of
qty. (Base Field is Date).
The data is almost from the 1st April to till date.With this I am getting
the cumulative qty for any given date by using Getpivotdata function.
Now I wish to get the cumulative qty for any given month not the date.
Can we add calculated field to get the month wise cumulative qty. If Yes
then How?
The Pivottable looks like :
doc_date Month
im_code Data 29/04/06 30/04/06 04/06 02/05/06 03/05/06 05/2006
ATM0543 Sum of im_qty 100 108 208 108 108 424
Sum of im_qty2 100 208 316 424
ATM0548 Sum of im_qty 162 588 750 432 378 1560
Sum of im_qty2 162 750 1182 1560
ATM0549 Sum of im_qty 216 476 476 529 420 1425
Sum of im_qty2 216 692 1005 1425
Immediate reply in this regards will be highly appreciated.
I have PivotTable from Receipt Data Sheet. The Field in row are Im_Code and
column doc_date.
The Data Field is sum of Qty & sum of Qty2 (i.e.) datewise running total of
qty. (Base Field is Date).
The data is almost from the 1st April to till date.With this I am getting
the cumulative qty for any given date by using Getpivotdata function.
Now I wish to get the cumulative qty for any given month not the date.
Can we add calculated field to get the month wise cumulative qty. If Yes
then How?
The Pivottable looks like :
doc_date Month
im_code Data 29/04/06 30/04/06 04/06 02/05/06 03/05/06 05/2006
ATM0543 Sum of im_qty 100 108 208 108 108 424
Sum of im_qty2 100 208 316 424
ATM0548 Sum of im_qty 162 588 750 432 378 1560
Sum of im_qty2 162 750 1182 1560
ATM0549 Sum of im_qty 216 476 476 529 420 1425
Sum of im_qty2 216 692 1005 1425
Immediate reply in this regards will be highly appreciated.