Pivot Table - Grand Total for Rows



I'm using XL 2002 and I have a pivot table that has "Grand totals for rows"
turned on. This works perfect. However, amongst the rows of data, I have
one row that is static...it simply shows the 'goal' for the respective
column. I don't want that row to show anything in the Grand Total column.
Is there a trick way to defeat the appearance of the Grand Total for just
that row. Goal doesn't need to have any type of calculation performed on
it...it's simply a reference number for the related dat in the its respective
column that it appears in.


Item Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Grand Total
West 10 20 30 40 100
South 15 25 35 45 120
Goal 5 5 5 5 <---- Have nothing appear here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Debra Dalgleish

You can't turn off the Grand Total for specific items, but you could
format the cell with white font, which would hide it.


Thank you Debra for the quick reply. I thought about the white formatting
trick but how would you do it for an 'unknown' number of rows........or do I
have to format them manually each time I refresh the pivot table ie: one day
I may have 10 instances to format and then the next day I may have 35
instances to reformat.

Debra Dalgleish

In your first post you said that it was "one row that is static", so
manual formatting might have worked in that situation.

If it's a variable number of rows, you could apply formatting
programmatically, or experiment with conditional formatting, based on
the row and column headings.

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