Pivot Table Help Needed!!!!



Hi, I have a pivot table that shows data as below. I donot have any
columns in pivot table.

Row Data Total
January --- Total no. of requests --> 10 ( I have created using
count )
Total no. of rejects --> 2 ( I have created
using count )
% of Rejects --> 20% ( I am not able to
get this 20% ) for some reason
Febru --- Total no. of requests ---> 5
Total no. of rejects ---> 4
% of Rejects ---> 80% ( Not able to get
this )

Total Requests ---> 15
Total Rejects ---> 6
Total % of Rejects ---> 40% ( Not able to get
this )

Below is what I am getting.

Row Data Total
January --- Total no. of requests --> 10 ( I have created using
count )
Total no. of rejects --> 33.34% ( I have
created using count )
% of Rejects --> 20%
Febru --- Total no. of requests ---> 5
Total no. of rejects ---> 4
% of Rejects ---> 66.67%

Total Requests ---> 15
Total Rejects ---> 6
Total % of Rejects ---> 100%

It is getting the % of total. Could you please help me get the desired

Also, I need to set the graph color out of this pivot table if let's
say the % of rejects are more than 35% show the bar in red, if it is
more than 25% and less than 35% show in yellow and if it is less than
25% show them in green.

Could someone please help me resolve this. Thanks a lot in advance for
your help.

M Kan

What does your underlying data look like. You could probably do with with a
SUMPRODUCT function that would give you more control over formtting etc

Jim Thomlinson

Without seeing your source data it is hard to comment. That being said the
percentages are the Number of reject / total reject not total requests. You
have 6 rejects in total. 2/6 = 33.3% and 4/6 = 66.6%.


Without seeing your source data it is hard to comment. That being said the
percentages are the Number of reject / total reject not total requests. You
have 6 rejects in total. 2/6 = 33.3% and 4/6 = 66.6%.

Jim Thomlinson

- Show quoted text -

Here are my data.

Month Request Reject
January 1 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
February 1 1
February 1 1
February 1
February 1 1
February 1 1

Here is my current output pivot table look like

January # of requests = 10
# of rejects = 2
% of rejects = 33.34% ( 2/6 )
February # of requests = 5
# of rejects = 4
% of rejects = 66.67% ( 4/6 )
Total Requests = 15
Total Rejects = 6 ( 6/6 )
% of Rejects = 100%

This is what I need to show the data.

January # of requests = 10
# of rejects = 2
% of rejects = 20% ( 2/10 )
February # of requests = 5
# of rejects = 4
% of rejects = 80% ( 4/5 )
Total Requests = 15
Total Rejects = 6
% of Rejects = 40% ( 6/15 )

Also, As I mentioned above I need to show different colors based on
the % of rejects.

One more thing that is not working is the Pivot Table is showing the
percentages like 33.34% but the Pivot Graph is showing the bar with
0.3333334 as value when I have value label.

Could you please help me out on this. Thanks Much!

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