Pivot Table Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I have a spreedsheet that contains 4 columns of similar information.
In the pivot table I would like for it to search all four columns and
do a count instead of just one column.


crime 1 crime 2 crime 3 crime 4
burglary theft
escape Publ Int. burglary theft
burglary OVWI
OVWI burglary
theft OVWI Pub. Int. burglary

in my pivot table I have each column set up in a drop down selection
in the "page area". However if I select burglary in each of the
columns it shows nothing b/c there is no row that contains:

crime 1 crime 2 crime 3
burglary burglary burglary

that is the only thing it looks for. How can I set it up to search
for all the burglarys and show them on the chart. So like back to

crime 1 crime 2 crime 3 crime 4
burglary theft
escape Publ Int. burglary theft
burglary OVWI
OVWI burglary
theft OVWI Pub. Int. burglary

I would select burglary and the pivot table would calculate that
were 6 burglarys and show it in the table as well.
Can someone explain to me how I can do this. And please keep in mind
that I am still a beginner. Thanks!

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