Pivot Table Hyperlinks, VBScript, etc please HELP


Devin McMahon

If anyone could please help me, I have been struggling with this for
two days, and it seems so simple. I have a OWC pivot table connected
to an OLAP cube. I want to add functionality to have the user either
click a button or double click a pivot table cell. When this
operation is performed, I want to take the value of the current pivot
table cell, put it into a predefined hyperlink and then follow that
hyperlink. I have already struggled with the pivot table object and
finally gotten to the point where I can get the value I need from the
cell. Although in this narrow instance, I already know the cell I
need is a PivotRowMember, so the value I need is
PivotTable1.Selection(0).Caption. I tried some examples with
evaluating what kind of cell was selected with no luck. Anyway, I am
not very versed in vbscripting, and I am having a devil of a time
doing something I think is pretty simple.

Could anyone give me a simple example of grabbing a RowMember caption,
building a string and following that string as a hyperlink in

Any help would be greatly appreciated




You're about two years ahead of me. The main difference beyond that i
that I'm using javascript. I'm being teased by the "Row Member: ...
notation in the ToolTip when you hover above a PivotAggregate cell.
I'm going to use the RowMember information to set a cookie for when
jump to a related page.

I don't have the answer, but if you see this and have found anythin
about it in the two years since your post, I'd love to hear about it.

Ray <>

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