When you play with this for a while, you'll get the picture then you can
refer to this thread and it will start making a bit more sense.
Licening checks are no longer being enforced - you mean with Access
With Office products after 2003 SP3 ( I think was when it changed).
Basically, these components should no longer be rendered in read-only mode
irrespective of what version of Office is on the desktop.
Access should have a version of OWC version 11 with an updated build number
or possibly version 12 which is simply a build increment, no functionality
And do you happen to know if the pivot tables 'just work'
with the Access 2007 runtime?
It should just work because no new versions of OWC ship after Office 2003.
They likely piggy backed off of version 11. To say for sure, look at the
clsid of the OWC pivot table object in Access 2007 or the about box.
(sans retail license), then for the app that uses pivot tables I might
push it to Access 2007, it's simplify some things.
Essentially yes, since licensing checks are no longer being performed you
can interpret it any way you like. I choose to interpret it as, "I'm going
to do whatever I please with OWC from now on". It is more than likely that
we interpret this differently. I do not represent Microsoft's licensing
interest so my opinion is not binding.
Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]
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