Pivot Table Mapping



Hi All, first time poster so apologies if i'm a bit noob!

So my issue is this.

I have a file with huge amounts of data in, which I pivot out with
unique identifier (i'll call this code1). This data is stored in syste
A, and spat out into excel for me.

I now have another file from System B, which contains simila
information but is now identified by another (updated) code (which i'l
call code2).

So when I pivot these out respectively I end up with two seperate pivot
with all the stuff I want, but no way of directly comparing whats i
them without manually copy and pasting them next to each other becaus
the 'mapping' between them only exists in a vlookup i've got. So at th
moment im going code1 is "A11111"..doing a manual ctrl+f and searchin
the table to find "A1111 = B1111" then copy and pasting the pivot dat
relating to "B1111" next to "A1111".

So ideally what im looking for is to be able to compare (and eventuall
reconcile) the data in Pivot A to Pivot B, based on code1 from file A
equals code 2 in file B.

I realise ideally i'd do this in Access, but the end users of this dat
do not have access and wouldn't know how to update it if they did!



TesterEd;1603471 said:
Hi All, first time poster so apologies if i'm a bit noob!

So my issue is this.

I have a file with huge amounts of data in, which I pivot out with
unique identifier (i'll call this code1). This data is stored in syste
A, and spat out into excel for me.

I now have another file from System B, which contains simila
information but is now identified by another (updated) code (which i'l
call code2).

So when I pivot these out respectively I end up with two seperate pivot
with all the stuff I want, but no way of directly comparing whats i
them without manually copy and pasting them next to each other becaus
the 'mapping' between them only exists in a vlookup i've got. So at th
moment im going code1 is "A11111"..doing a manual ctrl+f and searchin
the table to find "A1111 = B1111" then copy and pasting the pivot dat
relating to "B1111" next to "A1111".

So ideally what im looking for is to be able to compare (and eventuall
reconcile) the data in Pivot A to Pivot B, based on code1 from file A
equals code 2 in file B.

I realise ideally i'd do this in Access, but the end users of this dat
do not have access and wouldn't know how to update it if they did!


Hi TesterEd,

Have you solved this yet?

If not, could you post some example data so we can make a decent attemp
at helping you out

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