pivot Table Newbie


tech lead

I have '03, '04 & '05 sales data, with the following column headings:

"Customer Inv Date Item # Qty Price Total"

I have sorted the source data first by Customer and then by Inv Date.
The Inv Date is in the following format; mm/dd/yyyy.

I need total sales by customer by year. I can do a basic Pivot Table
and sort it so that it gives me a listing by customer in descending
order of total (aggregate of 3 years) sales.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to subtotal sales by year.

Hope this isn't too confusing - any help would be appreciated!!!

Rowan Drummond

In the Pivot Table right click int he Invoice Date field. Select "Group
and Show Detail" then select "Group". In the By box click on Years (make
sure nothing else is highlighted). Click Ok. You should now have your
totals by years.

Hope this helps

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