Pivot Table / Pivot Chart


Carl Jass

Excel 2003 list contains Employee#, Name, Year, Question1, Question2,
Question3, etc. Responses to the questions appear in the list as Y or N for
Yes or No. There are no blank cells in the list. I wish to create a Pivot
Table that summarizes only the Y response and then pull the results into a
Pivot Chart. I need help isolating the Y counts so that I can graph the data.

Jonathan Cooper

How about a helper column(s). =if(d2="Y",1,0)

Then you can just sum the helper column(s).

Carl Jass

Thank You Jonathan,

Your suggestion will work. The data I am working with runs from Column A to
FS. I was hoping to avoid creating additional columns to accomplish this.
Is it possible to use a CountIf the item equals "Y" on a Pivot Table?

Debra Dalgleish

In a copy of the source data, you could use Edit>Replace, and change all
the Y entries to 1, and change N to 0. Refresh the pivot table, and
you'll be able to sum the responses.

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