Pivot table - Problem with % - part 2


Ann in Belgium

Well, I managed to have a pivot with turnover for my customers of year 2008
next to year 2007 and next to that the difference in % as well as the
difference in €.

This leads to my next problems :
As I have 2 years (2007 & 2008) I get 2 sets of each 2 columns : 1 for the
'difference in %' and 1 for the 'difference'. This means that each set
contains a blank column (here for the year 2007). Is there any way other than
change the width of the column to 'hide' each 2007 column ? I tried hiding
the columns but then I loose the title information (here % Diff 2007), so I
left the empty column as a width of 1 and thus kept title information.

Another problem is the 'formatting'. New customers for 2008 result in an
"error" result in the % difference : "#DIVIDEBY" is stated if there is no
turnover in 2007. Can this be avoided in any way ?

Looking very much forward to your very very kind help :)

Regards from Belgium, Ann


Hallo Ann from Belgium,
om jou te helpen is het misschien makkelijker een voorbeeld van je
gegevens te kunnen bekijken.
Indien je wenst kan je deze op de forum posten waarvan hieronder het
Inschrijven is gratis, en er is echt GEEN addertje onder het gras !
Groetjes van Zaventem

Well, I managed to have a pivot with turnover for my customers of year
next to year 2007 and next to that the difference in % as well as the
difference in €.

This leads to my next problems :
As I have 2 years (2007 & 2008) I get 2 sets of each 2 columns : 1 for
'difference in %' and 1 for the 'difference'. This means that each set
contains a blank column (here for the year 2007). Is there any way
other than
change the width of the column to 'hide' each 2007 column ? I tried
the columns but then I loose the title information (here % Diff 2007),
so I
left the empty column as a width of 1 and thus kept title information.

Another problem is the 'formatting'. New customers for 2008 result in
"error" result in the % difference : "#DIVIDEBY" is stated if there is
turnover in 2007. Can this be avoided in any way ?

Looking very much forward to your very very kind help :)

Regards from Belgium, Ann

Ann in Belgium

Beste Pecoflyer,
Het heeft even geduurd vooraleer ik tijd vond om een kleine file te maken
ter illustratie. Ik maak er een nieuwe Engelstalige post van en stel eens nog
vier vragen want ik ben er nog lang niet ! Ik hoop dat je me kunt verder
helpen. :)
Groetjes !

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