Help Please!
Earlier in the month several people reported a
problem creating pivot tables. I am experiencing the same
problem. Using the Pivot Table Wizard I have selected a
query to base the pivot table on(four fields 2 text 1
date 1 $ Sum of Amt). When the menu finally finishes I am
left with a white screen, a field list to select from, no
drop down areas, and all of the pivot table toolbar
selections greyed out. I am only permitted to drag fields
to what appears to be the row area, and nothing I can do
seems to present me with any other course of action. I
have no choice to move items from one area to another.
there is only one drop field (unmarked except by the blue
border if you drag a field to it). And the end result is
a form that resembles a simple query with no pivot
features at all. Since I saw that several others had seen
this same problem, I wonder if anyone figured out what is
Earlier in the month several people reported a
problem creating pivot tables. I am experiencing the same
problem. Using the Pivot Table Wizard I have selected a
query to base the pivot table on(four fields 2 text 1
date 1 $ Sum of Amt). When the menu finally finishes I am
left with a white screen, a field list to select from, no
drop down areas, and all of the pivot table toolbar
selections greyed out. I am only permitted to drag fields
to what appears to be the row area, and nothing I can do
seems to present me with any other course of action. I
have no choice to move items from one area to another.
there is only one drop field (unmarked except by the blue
border if you drag a field to it). And the end result is
a form that resembles a simple query with no pivot
features at all. Since I saw that several others had seen
this same problem, I wonder if anyone figured out what is