Pivot Table Sorting


Scott R

Hi there was wondering if anyone can help me..
I have a pivot table with columns;
Site Client 2007 total 2008 total Grand Total

I am trying to sort the entire pivot table by column C descending for each
Site. If i use sort it only sorts the first site. If i manually go into each
site and select the range then sort column c desc it unsorts the previous
Site range. I could paste into new sheet and manuallysort each site but there
are a lot of sites and would be great if i could automate this.. any
suggestions would be appreciated...


You can try a couple of things:
Double-click the first Row field button
Click the Advanced button
For AutoSort, choose Descending
From the Using Field dropdown, select the data field,
e.g. "Sum of Units"
Click OK, click OK.

1. Select the entire pivot table
2. Copy it and paste it Value elsewhere.
3. The copy is a simple table and can be sorted using normal approaches

Hope it helps,

Scott R

Sorry Guys Im usually pretty good with pivot tables, but I dont understand
either of these options that I have been given.. Can anyone help me with my
original problem?

Scott R

Just to clarify..
If I use Option 1 and dopuble click the first row then my entire pivot table
disappears bar one line..
If I copy and past (option 2) I cant sort 'normally' as I need to sort
within each site.

Scott R

I have now undersrtood what was meant in option 1 however this does not work.
When I click advanced it only gives me the option to sort by site or sum of
the amount. I actually need to sort by 2007 which is 1 of the 2 year columns
in my data area. There is no option for this.

Debra Dalgleish

You can do that kind of sort in Excel 2007, but not in earlier versions.

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