Pivot Table Title Bar



When using the AxPivotTable in a winforms application, is there a way
to either disable the "Microsoft Pivot Table 11.0" title bar? or change
it to something else? I couldn't find any appropriate settings in the
properties. Thanks!


Hi Maggie,
This URL explains how to use the Caption property, this property is every
where so while herein applies to CHChart object it should provide a starting
point to using Caption.
The following example adds a title to the first chart in Chartpsace1 and
then formats the newly-created title.

Sub AddChartTitle()

Dim Chart1Title
Dim chConstants

Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

' Enable the title for the first chart in the
' chartspace.
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).HasTitle = True <<<<<< Look here <<<<<

' Set a variable to the chart title.
Set Chart1Title = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Title

' Set the caoption for the title.
Chart1Title.Caption = "2000 Sales by Department"

' Set the title to display at the bottom of the chart.
Chart1Title.Position = chConstants.chTitlePositionBottom

' Format the font used for the title.
Chart1Title.Font.Bold = True
Chart1Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
Chart1Title.Font.Size = 16

End Sub
This URL explains how to set the
This example sets the title caption for the spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet1.TitleBar.Caption = "Monthly Sales"
Applies to | PivotView Object | Spreadsheet Object

See Also | DisplayTitleBar Property


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