Pivot table to calculate variance showing budget and actual.


YY san.

I know this is rather simple, but I just could not get it right. I have this

Expenese Type Amt Scenario
Staff cost 200 Budget
Admin cost 75 Budget
Office rent 5000 Budget
Staff cost 100 Actual
Admin cost 45 Actual
Office rent 300 Actual
I am able to get the difference using the pivot table "Difference from", but
it only showed that single column. I would like my pivot table to show:

Expenese Type Budget Actual Variance
Staff cost 200 100 100
Admin cost 75 45 30
Office rent 5000 300 4700

Appreciate all guidance and hints.


EXCEL 2007

I have just put up a file for you at:-


Item number 95 (towards the top of my home page at the time of posting).

This appears to give you what you want.

If you agree please hit Yes.


Ashish Mathur


You should convert the items under the Scenario column I.e. Budget and
Actual to columns instead. After the restructuring, there would be 4
columns in your source data - Expenses type, Amt, Base and Actual. Now
create a pivot from this and then you may write a calculated field


Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP


Ashish Mathur wrote on 04/22/2010 00:15 ET

You should convert the items under the Scenario column I.e. Budget an
Actual to columns instead. After the restructuring, there would be
columns in your source data - Expenses type, Amt, Base and Actual. No
create a pivot from this and then you may write a calculated fiel


Ashish Mathu
Microsoft Excel MV

"YY san." wrote in messag
I'm trying to do the same thing the person above is. Because my pivot
originate from a financial software output and then go through an Acces
Database, I have Actuals and Budget as two options under one field. Basicall

need to do: =sumif(Scenario, "Actual", Sales)-(Scenario
"Budget", Sales). Sumif doesn't seem to work inside the calculate
field option and it's near impossible to have Actual and Budget be separat
fields, otherwise the response from the 2nd poster would be the solution.
found a way around the Actual Budget problem in Access but I have this proble
for finding Gross Margin(Sales-Expenses) and average price(Sales/Units). I ma
try the same Access solution for Sales-Expenses I did for Actual and Budget bu
those only work because when it's Actual it's a positive and when it's Budge
it's a negative. For Sales/Units I really need to do something in th
calculated field...

Thanks in advance for your help!!!!

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