Pivot table with % of row, and dollar total


Fred Smith

I would like to display the following in a Pivot Table:

Name %Cash %Bonds %Stock $Amount

I can easily do the first four columns with Class as a Column Field (Class
contains 'Cash', 'Bonds' or 'Stock'), and Amount as a data field set to %ofRow.
But how do I get the $Amount total displayed? I tried adding Amount (named
Amount2) as data field, but it breaks down the $Amount by class. I don't want
that, I just want the total $Amount.

Roger Govier

Hi Fred

You can't do this within the PT. It will break down $amount by class in
the same way as % is split by class.
If you show the data side by side, by dragging the Data button and
dropping it on the Total column, you could hide columns E:H
The Total Dollar amount will just show as the Grand Total.

This assumes that under Table Options for the PT you have Grand Total by
Rows switched on.

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