pivot table



Let me explain my situation here. I have tested few items for bacteria, yeast
and mold and entered the results in cfu (or the number of bugs) on an excel
2007 spreadsheet. If the number of bugs for any of these are above 100 on an
item, it would fail the test or is deemed contaminated. There are about 300
different items which are tested every day for these three bugs. I have three
years worth of data and I would like to analyze these using a pivot table.
Is there a way that I can make a pivot table and display the number of
failures for each category of bug. I have other information in my table like
month, year, different locations these samples were collected and so on. I
have inserted another column which filters the data and puts a '1' if cfus
are above 100 and a '0' if it is below, so that I just count the number of 1s
for failure.
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Pivot table should look something like this
Bacteria failure Yeast failure Mold failure
Jan 3 4 1

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