pivot table



I have a database that I use for a pivot table. I have named a few extra
columns as spare1
spare2 etc. These will be used for future categories in which we may want
to use for data. I have dragged these over to the pivot table however when
I change the name on the master sheet where the pivot range is defined the
data field originally called spare1 (now called "training extras") dragged
over to the data field is removed from the pivot table data area.

Is there a way that I can keep that field in the data area when I change
the name from Spare1 to another name?

Any help is appreciated


Roger Govier

Unfortunately not.
As soon as the PT is refreshed, then the new Name for the field is read.
As the PT has no knowledge of this field, it has to be left on the excluded
list, until you decide where it is to be allocated.

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