Pivot tables 2007 to 2003



I have successfully created a pivot table in Excel 2007 (VERY much improved
process!). I save the workbook as Excel 2003 compatable and then send it to
another user who has Excel 2003. When that user opens the file, he can see
all the tables and charts, however, if he adds any data to the list and then
attempts to refresh all the tables and charts, it will not do so.

Am I trying to do "mission impossible" or am I doing something incorrectly?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Harald Staff

Hi Dan

Afaik Pivot tables created in 2007 does not work with older versions.

HTH. Best wishes Harald


Thank you, Harald. I guess this falls under "suspicions confirmed"!!

would you mind telling me what "afaik' means in your reply?



I am having the same problem here.
I have created a pivot table in Excel 2007 and saved the workbook as Excel
2003 compatible and then send it to another user who has Excel 2003. When
that user opens the file, he can see all the pivots but cannot change them.
I have seen in this discussion here, that there is only a AFAIK response.

Does anyone know if we really cannot use 2007 pivots in 2003? If there is no
possibility and pivots are really not compatible, then this really seem to be
a big mistake from Microsoft...


R. Saddy

DanL said:
AHA, said the non-texting blind man!! <g>

Thank you again.


BNT1 via OfficeKB.com said:
As Far As I Know

Thank you, Harald. I guess this falls under "suspicions confirmed"!!

would you mind telling me what "afaik' means in your reply?


Hi Dan

[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]


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