Pivot tables disappearing!



I created a spreadsheet with a number of pivot tables in it. This worked
fine for a while. However, recently, I saved the spreadsheet and then opened
it again and all of my pivot tables had reverted to simple text and numbers
(ie I could not manipulate labels, columns, rows, etc as I could originally)!

This was frustrating, but I developed the spreadsheet again using earlier
versions of the spreadsheet which had "non-disappearing" pivot tables. (This
took a lot of time). Again, when I opened the spreadsheet recently the pivot
tables had been replaced by simple text and numbers and could not be

At no point did Excel 2007 ask me if I wanted to remove the pivot tables.

Does anyone know what might be causing this? (I have been saving the
spreadsheet in 2002/03 form, so I am going to see if saving it in 2007 form
has any effect - other than that, I can't thing of a solution).




If you do not create the 2007 file in the compatiblilty mode, earlier
versions of excel will lose the pivot table function.


Thanks for the advice Dan. I use Excel 2007 software and have not been using
earlier versions of Excel software so I'm not sure if that applies. However,
I started saving the file as an Excel 2007 (instead of 2003) and the problem
has ceased (to date).

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