pivot tables & offline data access



Is it possible to have multiple pivot tables (in the same workbook) accessing
the same offline cube file?

Currently, when the user is connected to the server it connects to a server
database to populate many pivot tables. I need to allow the user to access a
local cube file when they are not connected to the server.

I am using excel vba macros to connect the pivot caches to the online data
source, which works perfectly. I would like to do the same to connect the
pivot caches to the local cube file.

Is this possible? The local cube file is created off the server database
using MDX (create global cube).


DM Unseen


Switching your pivotcache is not a trivial exercise. I do not know if
you can switch between OLAP and offline cube. I would suggest using an
offline cube amyway and try refreshing that.

DM Unseen

lyn schreef:

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