Pivot Tables



I have a table as belowfor employee hours. I sumarize
hours a week at a time and I need summaries by employee,
total straight time and total overtime for the week.

I am trying to use a pivot table.

Name Type 1/1/04 1/2/04 1/3/04
J S ST 8 8 8
J S OT 2 2 2
H B ST 2 2 2
H B OT 2 2 2

I want the output to look like . . .
J S Total ST 40
J S Total OT 10
J S Total 50

How do I set up the table?
What Pivot Table report do I use?


For starters, visit the following sites for an excellent
pivot table introduction:

Also once you start up your pivot table, in the layout
section you will want to drag over the employee name over
into the row column, then drag over the type and put it
below the name in the row column. That will subtotal by
name, then by type. Drag the amount into the Data column
and make sure that you select sum (not count).


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