Pivot - top 10 stocks & missing info



i have a lot of stocks with info like GRN date, qty, value, lead time etc.

I used pivot table to consolidate as some items has a few lines because of
different GRN dates. (GRN=good received note)

- how can the pivot table display the top 10 highest value stocks? If
unable, at least display by descending order
- anyway to stop the 'lead time' cell going blank?




It may be possible to do what you want but without actually seeing the pivot
table or a sample I can't actually say. If you want to send a sample to me
OK. If not take a look at these ideas and see if you can use them:

Suppose the pivot table has 1 row field called GRP and 1 data field called

Double-click the GRP field button in the pivot table and click Advanced, on
the right turn on Top 10 AutoShow. Choose either Show of Top or Bottom. Set
the number to whatever you want. Open the Using field list and select Value.
Click OK twice.

To sort the Value field put your cursor in the that field of the pivot table
and click the Ascending or Descending sort buttons on the toolbar.

Don't have a clue what you mean by "lead time cell going blank"

(e-mail address removed)

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