pivotable excel2000 macro


chaim rozent

i want to chack (not to refresh) if a pivotable is already refreshed.
i have to make some operations before the refreshing
so the macro must identify if the pifotable was refreshed
or not
can you help me to build such macro?

thank you

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I cannot see how this could be done because Excel has no way of knowin
if the base data has been changed or not.

1. We can check the last refresh time with something like :-


Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
dateString = Format(pvtTable.RefreshDate, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
MsgBox dateString


2. You could set up your own variable and change it if *you* d
something to the base data within the macro :

Dim PivotIsRefreshed as Boolean
PivotIsRefreshed = Fals

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