Here is the code I'm using it's excel 2003
Public Sub StartHere_Click()
Dim ObjWb As Excel.Workbook
Report = InputBox("Type path and workbook name here")
Set ObjWb = Workbooks.Open(Report)
Set ObjWbCur = Workbooks("PivotTableConverter.xls")
For icount = 1 To ObjWb.Sheets.Count
If ObjWb.Sheets(icount).Name <> "Source" And Sheets(icount).Name <>
"DATA" And Sheets(icount).Name <> "ChangeCon" And Sheets(icount).Name <>
"Dispo_List" And Sheets(icount).Name <> "Legend" Then
query =
sname = ObjWb.Sheets(icount).Name
sconnection =
stGotIt = StrReverse(query)
stGotIt = Left(stGotIt, InStr(1, stGotIt, " ", vbTextCompare))
ViewName = StrReverse(Trim(stGotIt))
Set CurCell = ObjWbCur.Worksheets("Source").Cells(icount, 1)
Set CurCell1 = ObjWbCur.Worksheets("Source").Cells(icount, 2)
CurCell.Value = sname
CurCell1.Value = ViewName
Else: End If
Next icount
MsgBox "Now type in new view names in column b. If another pivot table is
the source of a sheet leave it blank. If the views are the same name just
copy and paste from column b to column c. Remeber to leave them blank if the
sheet source is another pivot table"
Call ChangeCon(ObjWb, ObjWbCur)
End Sub
Sub ChangeCon(ObjWb, ObjWbCur)
' sconnection = Sheets(1).PivotTables(1).PivotCache.Connection
' Set CurCell = Worksheets("ChangeCon").Cells(1, 1)
' CurCell.Value = sconnection
' NewCon = InputBox("Type in string above and change DataBase, to type in
the registered tradmark use alt - 0174")
' For icount = 1 To Sheets.Count
' If Sheets(icount).Name <> "Source" And Sheets(icount).Name <>
"Data" And Sheets(icount).Name <> "ChangeCon" And Sheets(icount).Name <>
"ViewDiffer" Then
' Sheets(icount).PivotTables(1).PivotCache.Connection = NewCon
' Else: End If
' Next icount
OldDB = InputBox("Type in old Database name")
NewDB = InputBox("Type in new Database name")
For icount = 1 To ObjWb.Sheets.Count
If ObjWb.Sheets(icount).Name <> "Source" And
ObjWb.Sheets(icount).Name <> "DATA" And ObjWb.Sheets(icount).Name <>
"Dispo_List" And ObjWb.Sheets(icount).Name <> "Legend" Then
Set CurCell = ObjWbCur.Worksheets("Source").Cells(icount, 3)
If CurCell <> "" Then
newview = CurCell.Value
query =
stGotIt = StrReverse(query)
stGotIt = Left(stGotIt, InStr(1, stGotIt, " ",
OldView = StrReverse(Trim(stGotIt))
NewQuery = Replace(query, OldView, newview)
CommText = Replace(NewQuery, OldDB, NewDB)
'InterComm = SplitString(CommText)
ObjWb.Sheets(icount).PivotTables(1).PivotCache.CommandText = CommText
Else: End If
Else: End If
Next icount
End Sub