pixels or percentages


Bobby Z

Would you recommend using pixels or percentages when designing websites. I
have read a number of posts that indicate percentages is the way to go. I
have created quite a few websites using percentages within the tables and
they look good in Explorer but they don't look good in Netscape or Firefox.
I've just tried using pixels and it seems to give you more control and the
sites look good in all 3 browsers. Any opinions on this? Any advice or
information you can give me is very much appreciated.

Tom Willett

I personally prefer pixels.

Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Would you recommend using pixels or percentages when designing websites.
| have read a number of posts that indicate percentages is the way to go. I
| have created quite a few websites using percentages within the tables and
| they look good in Explorer but they don't look good in Netscape or
| I've just tried using pixels and it seems to give you more control and the
| sites look good in all 3 browsers. Any opinions on this? Any advice or
| information you can give me is very much appreciated.

Jon Spivey

Hi Bobby,

I like ems or % because they allow the text to be easily resized - it's
surprising how many people (especially older people) like to make text
bigger. If you use pixels you're making it much harder for them and if a guy
can't comfortably read your page you've probably lost him for good


Pixels or percentages for what?
For font sizes - percentages (or any other relative size like ems, named
sizes [small, large, smaller, larger]) are better.
For images - pixels are best
For tables - it does not matter, but try not to mix them in the same table.
Using pixels will give a fixed layout, using percentages will give a
floating layout - the table will resize according to browser viewport width
and the page layout will change accordingly.

If results vary according to which browser you are using, then you have
other issues.

Kevin Spencer

A pixel preference? Preposterous! Perhaps popular, possibly perceived as
precocious per parochial popinjays. Pernicious proletariat poppycock!


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Professional Chicken Salad Alchemist

Big thicks are made up of lots of little thins.



MVP FrontPage

Kevin Spencer said:
A pixel preference? Preposterous! Perhaps popular, possibly perceived as
precocious per parochial popinjays. Pernicious proletariat poppycock!


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Professional Chicken Salad Alchemist

Big thicks are made up of lots of little thins.

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