PKI certificates making Project unable to connect to WSS




After several days of research and troubleshooting, we have discovered that
selecting "Accept client certificates" or "Require client certificates" under
the WSS directory in IIS causes Project Server to not connect to WSS. We
first thought it was SSL and various issues with host names, FQDN, etc that
caused the problem but we can now connect to WSS succesfully when selecting
the option "Ignore client certificates" while still requiring SSL. However,
it is a requirement for us to use PKI (this is a government hosted network),
so this is not a permanent solution.

Has anyone encountered this, and if so, how did you resolve it? Any help is
greatly appreciated. I know we had a similar problem with connecting to
Project Professional and we solved it by "ignore client certificates" on the
pjdbcomm.dll file. Is there something similar we can do here?



When I was trying to setup Project Server and SharePoint to use SSL
exclusively, I could never get the two to talk to each other until I bought
commercial SSL certificates for each server. The self-signed ones simply
would not work, even when I added the CA root to the Local Computer store in
Trusted Root Authorities.

Are you using self-signed certificates?


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