place an overdue display in the header


Dale G

I would like to place an overdue display in the header of the
frmUniformOrders, something like the one for possible duplicate in the
Contacts db.

I think I would have to place a date ordered text box in the form and
another text box in the header that would remain invisible until the set time
between the two has elapsed.

I’m using Access 2007.

Could anyone assist or lead me to a method (or link) to get that done?

Sean Timmons

Sure.. Create the text box with your overhead message. Make Visible False on
your properties menu.

Pull up your form properties, and on form load, have an event procedure.

The code should be something like,

If datetextbox.Value < now() Then
messagebox.visible = True
End IF

Dale G

Thank you, I tried your suggestion, but I can get it to work.

I named the text box I put in the header, MessageBox.

The text box on the order form is named DatePromised.

In the MessageBox I wrote, Over Due, and set visible to no.

I pulled up the form properties, and on form load I set the event procedure

If DatePromised.Value < now() Then
Messagebox.visible = True
End IF

I clicked the save icon and that’s it. I must be doing something wrong.

John Spencer

I would probably place the code in the form's current event instead of the
load event.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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