Place graphics/text box off the page



Is there a way (like in Quark) to place graphics or text boxes into the
"gray" area in word. There are sometimes that I use certain images and
instead of creating or pasting in each time, I would like it to be there with
the document and if I place it in, then yes it will print, if it is still in
the "gray" then it will not print.


Sorry, the gray area beyond the edges of the 'imaginary' page is not
workspace & can be used for nothing. DTP programs are designed on an
entirely different basis - in fact, Word doesn't even know that the white
area where your content is displayed is even called a "page". Even though
it's on the MacWord site it still applies fully so you might want to have a
look here for more insight:

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?SlNwZW5jZTIwMDM=?=,
Is there a way (like in Quark) to place graphics or text boxes into the
"gray" area in word. There are sometimes that I use certain images and
instead of creating or pasting in each time, I would like it to be there with
the document and if I place it in, then yes it will print, if it is still in
the "gray" then it will not print.
Well, you CAN position graphics off the page (using VBA). But when you do they
won't be visible. Not sure that's of much help to you.

How about saving these various items as AutoText entries? They'd always be at
your finger-tips that way.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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