Place number into Cell Based on Match



ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE
A1 xxxx1111 yyyy2222 A2 100
A2 yyyy2222 bbbb5555 A5 200
A3 zzzz3333
A4 aaaa4444
A5 bbbb5555

Based on a search to identify items in ColC to see if they matched ColA the
cell location was returned in ColD based on the following formula:
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C1,A:A,0)),"A"&MATCH(C1,A:A,0),"no"). Now I want to take
the $ in ColE and move it to ColB where ColC and ColA match. I need to
repeat this for a lot of items. If you need more info let me know.


If I interpret what you want corrently,
in B1
and copy down
is one of your options.


This works great but if there is not a match it returns the word FALSE and I
would like it to leave the cell blank in that case.


Never mind, I figured it out by adding "" into the right place in your
formula. Thanks!!

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